Monday, January 26, 2009

California Insurance Commissioner Too Easy on Blue Shield?

Mr Poisner seems to be acting along Bush era GOP party lines. Didn't we just have two major election cycles where the people rejected these and called for reform to the excesses and abuses perpetrated on the American public in the name of corporate profits. Let's see were did that get us economically, oh yeah a major recession! Apparently some politicians still believe that the American public still hasn't figured out that its time to swing the pendulum the other way. For the greater good of the greatest number of people and not to continue to allow corporations need for increasing there already profitable businesses at the expense of the most vulnerable in our society!

" Poizner said Blue Shield did this to some 700 holders of individual and family policies. (Group policies provided by employers can't be rescinded the same way.) He said the company's "alarming" violations of the law would "completely undermine the public trust in our healthcare delivery system" and promised to seek $12.6 million in fines and penalties.

Yet Poizner's final settlement with Blue Shield, announced Jan. 6, didn't look much like the preview. There was no provision for multi-million-dollar fines. Blue Shield agreed to restore the customers' insurance, waiving the usual exclusions for pre-existing conditions. It agreed to reimburse them for medical procedures performed that would have been covered if their policies hadn't been canceled, although to get the money the customers would have to give up their right to sue.

..feeds into the GOP's pro-business, anti-regulation mind-set, to which Poizner may need to appeal in the next election year. And it has made some consumer advocates wonder whether Poizner's style is ideal for a regulator."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see a fellow Garden Grover speaking his mind! Seems to me that Healthcare is a big passion of yours. Glad to know we have the same interests! Good luck to you with your endeavors.